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Background Video

Adding a background video with blocks is super easy. The method below can be applied to a static page content or a block element page hero. Step 1: Add a Container block, then add a Custom HTML block inside it with the HTML below: In the HTML above, you’ll notice a couple different options we’ve […]

Global Colors Overview

Note: This feature requires GeneratePress 3.1.0. or above. You can find the Global Color options in Customize > Colors. Once the Colors panel is open, you’ll see a list of Global colors and elements on your website. Global Colors By default, there are 7 colors added. Each color has a specific purpose. From left to […]

Dynamic Typography Overview

Note: This feature requires GeneratePress 3.1.0. or above. You can find the Dynamic Typography options in Customize > Typography. Please refer to this article if you would like to switch your existing site to use the new system. Font Manager Once the Typography panel is open, you’ll see the Font Manager. The Google fonts list […]


The generate_svg_icon filter allows you to overwrite the entire HTML output of the icon, including the surrounding gp_icon element. For example, if you want to change the default menu cart icon to a custom icon, then this snippet can be used: For example, if you want to change BOTH the default navigation hamburger icon and close icon to […]

Setting Up a Simple Custom Post Type

Here are the quick steps to take when implementing a custom post type in GeneratePress. 1. Register your custom post type You can either use the full method WordPress provided here: Or a use one of the tools like these: This sets the parameters of what the CPT can do, the slug for the templates […]

Dynamic Data

Starting in GP Premium 2.0, you can now add dynamic data to blocks inside our GenerateBlocks plugin when using the Block Elements module. Dynamic Text Type You can access these options by clicking the database icon when using the Headline or Buttons block. Title This option outputs the post/page/term title of the current page. Optional: […]

Content Container

Starting in GeneratePress 3.0, the previous Page Builder Container option has been renamed to Content Container option. Default The default option means that the Content Padding option in the customizer would apply: Full Width The Full Width option set the content area to be 100% of the screen width and allows for full width sections […]


The generate_comments_title_output filter allows you to change the output of the comment title element. For example, if we want to change the comment title from <h3> to <p>, then we can we this PHP snippet:


The generate_show_entry_header filter allows you remove the entire <header class=”entry-header”> element.


The generate_menu_bar_items hook allows you to hook non-menu item elements such as buttons, icons and whatever else your design requires. Content added there will automatically display in the navigation and mobile header. Using a Hook Element If you have GP Premium, you can use a hook element and add the content like this: Using a Function […]