Block Element – Page Hero

Starting in GP Premium 2.0, you can create a page hero in the Block Element module with the help of Dynamic Blocks and Dynamic Data.

You can access it by creating a new block element, then select Page Hero under the Element type dropdown menu:



Import a template.

Quick hook select

Select one of the three common hooks to insert the page hero.

Hook name

Select other hooks that are not listed under quick hook select.


Set the priority of the page hero. This is useful when there are multiple elements added within the same hook.

Disable title

Remove the default page/post title. This is useful if a title is added using the dynamic data.

Disable featured image

Remove the default featured image on pages/posts with this page hero. This is useful if the featured image is added using the dynamic image block or as a dynamic background image.

Disable primary post meta

Remove the default post meta on pages/posts with this page hero. This is useful if the post meta is added using the dynamic data.

Background image

Set a static background image for the page hero.

GenerateBlocks Container Settings

Inline post meta items

Inline the items inside this container. This is useful when adding dynamic data items such as author, post date, categories etc.

Inline alignment

Set the alignment of the inline post meta items.


Page hero for single posts
Page hero for archives
Page hero with custom fields
Page hero for single post (Geek site template)