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Block Element – Page Hero

Starting in GP Premium 2.0, you can create a page hero in the Block Element module with the help of Dynamic Blocks and Dynamic Data. You can access it by creating a new block element, then select Page Hero under the Element type dropdown menu: Settings GenerateBlocks Container Settings Examples

Block Element Overview

Block Elements are available as of GP Premium 1.11.0. Block Elements allow you to use the WordPress block editor to create hooks, site headers, site footers, sidebars, page hero, content template etc. Creating a Block Element First, make sure the Elements module is activated in Appearance > GeneratePress. Now, go to Appearance > Elements and […]


The generate_element_display allows us to bypass the Display Rules, so we can enable or disable an Element under our own conditions. This filter replaces the previous generate_header_element_display, generate_hook_element_display and generate_layout_element_display. Display an Element to a Specific Author archive For example, if we want to assign a specific element to Author Tom’s author archive only: You need […]


The generate_svg_icon_element filter allows change the default icons used throughout the theme. The available options are: For example, if you want to use a custom navigation search icon to replace the default one, then this function can be used: Make sure to only replace your-svg-here with the actual SVG code in the snippet above. For off canvas menu hamburger/close […]

Dynamic Blocks

Starting in GP Premium 2.0, there are two dynamic blocks that are available in the Block Elements module. You can access them by searching keyword GP in the Add Block menu: Dynamic Image The GP Dynamic Image block allows you to add a featured image or an author avatar to the Block Elements. Featured Image […]

Text too small to read and Clickable elements too close together

Two of the most common mobile usability alerts raised by Google search console or a Mobile Friendly test are: Text too small to read and Clickable elements too close together. However they are often a false negative and many users find themselves at a loss on how to fix the issue. The reasons for this are: Text is […]

Layout Element Overview

Starting in GP Premium 1.7, the Layout element allows you to set the same options you’re used to in the Layout metabox, but on a site-wide scale. This means you can change the sidebar layout on specific categories for example, or set the content layout to full width on your entire site if you’re using a […]

Header Element Overview

The Header element replaces our old Page Header module. This element has most of the same options as the old Page Headers. If you need help migrating from your old Page Header, see this article. For a step by step guideline of creating a page hero, please see this article. To create a new Header […]


The generate_elements_show_object_ids filter allows you to activate the ID next to the title in the Display Rules. To enable this, add the following PHP snippet:

Replacing URLs in Elementor

Previously, the import process would replace URLs inside Elementor content automatically. These URLs include things like background images and static images inside Elementor widgets. Unfortunately, the API in Elementor we were using was prone to fatal PHP errors whenever Elementor would make a change to them. To protect our users from these potential errors, we […]